About us


The R3 concept was born out of a number of ideas. Some were the original assumptions of the project, others were added later.

The basis was that there are still niches in the air purifier market, which we believe need to be filled.

We create air purifiers with passion and a great understanding of how they are used and why.

Our vision is not only to offer maximum efficiency and quality, but also to showcase the special features that make our products unique.

Unlike competitors’ products, our air purifiers not only offer exceptional cleaning efficiency, but also ensure a high level of integration into the environment they are used in.

The air purifiers we design exceed customer expectations. We create them with great attention to detail and ease of use. R3 products are unique both technically and aesthetically, thus creating a new class of product.

Examples of our useful creativity are the world’s first air purifier for newborns and toddlers and the perfect innovative and ideal combination of air purifiers and ionisers.

Our products are not only certified, but have received almost all international design awards in a short time.



R3 was founded by three German partner companies with experience in development, production and sales.
It combines a common interest in cutting-edge technology, German quality and the highest design standards.

Our products are designed to fill the niches of the air purification market, which we identify and act upon quickly thanks to our flexibility.
The best design guarantees the highest product quality and user satisfaction.
The latest technologies support the implementation of our ideas. In this way, we create innovations that put our products in a good starting position.


This philosophy allows us to take advantage of the opportunities to stand out.

This makes us unique!

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