About ions



What are negative ions?

A negative ion is an atom or molecule that contains at least one additional electron. The negative charge allows the molecule to trap and neutralisze pollutants or positive ions suspended in the air. On the other hand, a positive ion is positively charged, i.e. it lacks an electron. Due to this polarity, negative and positive ions attract each other like two magnets. Without negative ions in the air, positive ions could end up in our body, from where they take the electrons they need and thus accelerate the oxidation of our cells, i.e. ageing.



What are positive ions?

A positive ion is an atom or molecule that is missing at least one electron.

Positive ions are not life threatening but are not beneficial to health or well-being. Through long-term action in combination with other factors, they can significantly weaken us, and in extreme cases cause disease in sensitive people through excessive acidification. They can also contribute to the development of depression and other health problems. In this day and age, with all of humanity suffering from environmental toxicity, positive ions only pose another threat.



How do negative ions work?

Negative ions (anions)

Negative ions are mainly found in nature (after a storm, in a forest, near waterfalls …). They support the immune system by reducing the amount of free oxygen radicals in the body. Negative ions neutralise positive ions.

The effects of negative ions include

  • Mental well-being
  • Increased efficiency

  • Better ability to concentrate

  • Good mood

  • Fatigue reduction

  • Relaxation

  • Easier breathing


  • Peaceful sleep
  • Healthy circulatory system
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Delaying the ageing process
  • Better regeneration after exercise
  • Strong acceleration of wound healing

Negative ions not only weaken the effect of positive ions, but also neutralise microbes, bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere. They eliminates odours and bind to dust particles. They have no known negative side effects.

The positive effect of negative ions has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. You can find them in the presentation “Research”.



What is an ioniser?

Ionisers are devices used to artificially produce negative ions in places where there are few or none of them.

In this way, they reduce the deficit of negative ions in urban interiors and bring it closer to the natural level, beneficial for humans. They make us feel especially good, like when we are on the beach, in the forest or near waterfalls (which are all places with high concentrations of negative ions).

They usually have a healing effect, help to combat odours, and can also neutralise microorganisms in the atmosphere and on surfaces.

The ionisers used here operate on the principle of corona discharge.
Ionisers have high-voltage conductive tips that naturally generate ions through corona discharge and field emission.



How do positive ions work?
Positive ions (cations)

Positive ions, along with free radicals, cause cell oxidation throughout the body. They also increase the acidity of the blood, which produces more lactic acid.
Both the nervous and immune systems are weakened, leading to premature ageing.
All of these processes can eventually lead to the development of cancer cells and cancer.

The action of positive ions on the human body causes, in particular:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Depressions
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • High blood pressure and other ailments


1. Dr. Felix Sulman, pathogen reduction

Department of Applied Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School (Jerusalem, Israel)

When Escrichia, Protens, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Staphylococci and Candida were exposed to the negative ion atmosphere, the number of pathogens was reduced by 50% in 6 hours and by 70% in 24 hours.


2. Dr. Albert Krüger, pathogen reduction

Department of Bacteriology at the University of California, Berkeley

Numerous studies have found that even small amounts of negative ions remove pathogens such as bacteria or viruses that are airborne, such as those that cause colds or flu, from the air quickly and thoroughly.

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